Established in 1985 in San Juan, Puerto Rico by Joseph Fuentes-Fernandez, expanding to the Washington,
D.C. metro area in 2001 to provide CPA and consulting services to federal and private sector clients
In addition, Joseph Fuentes-Fernandez has been a keen developer of real estate projects in Puerto Rico
for decades. Together with a number of partners, he developed Martineau Bay Resort & Spa on the island of
Vieques, Puerto Rico, in 1998-2003, which eventually became a W hotel. In 2013, he became a co-founder of Iconic Caribbean EB5 Regional Center, bringing overseas investors to develop tourism projects in Puerto
Rico while securing a path towards U.S. residency and eventual citizenship.
More recently, in 2018-2022, Joseph Fuentes-Fernandez conceived of and laid the groundwork for the
development of up to 950 affordable homes in Coamo, Puerto Rico, for inhabitants displaced or severely
affected by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. The Monte Elvira, LLC development is in an area that is
both stunning and topographically suitable as a buffer against hurricanes.